Cub Scouts (8 to 10½ yrs)
For Cub Scouts there’s never a dull moment. From local visits and weekend camps to creative activities and outdoor activities, our programme is packed with adventure. You’ll learn new skills, make new friends and most importantly, have fun!
Who are Cubs?
Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who:
Master new skills and try new things
Have fun and go on adventures
Make friends
Are curious about the world around them
Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond
Every week, they gather in groups called Cub Packs to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.
What do Cubs do?
Cubs take part in a wide range of activities that are designed to be interesting and to challenge them. At the same time they have fun, adventure and make friends along the way. They do this through taking part in a programme of activities provided by the Leadership team such as: camping, playing games, trying new things and exploring the outdoors.
When do Cubs meet?
We meet during term time on Tuesdays.
How do we join Cubs?
Why do you have a reserve list?
​Cubs is very popular and nationally there are 60,000 young people waiting to join., however places are limited as we have a shortage of adult helpers. But parents and other adults can help regardless of skillset or availability, there’s an opportunity for everyone to contribute, enable more young people to join.