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Volunteers are at the centre of what we do. Each week our volunteers empower our young people to do more, share more and be more. They shape young people’s lives for the better, and find out a whole lot about themselves in the process, too.


Today, there are nearly 60,000 young people on the waiting list to join us in the UK. We’re more relevant and more needed than ever, but it’s not always easy to keep up with the demand.#


Share your skills, gain new ones

You don’t need to be Bear Grylls to join us, you don’t even need to know how to put up a tent. We’re looking for people of all ages and backgrounds, because it's only because of people like you who lend a hand, that we can change young people's lives.


We’re looking for tea makers, tidy-uppers, skill sharers, mini bus drivers and first aiders. People who want to improve their CV and those who want to volunteer so they can spend more time together as a family.


Whatever your skillset, lend a hand for as little or as much time as you can spare, and we promise you’ll get more out than you put in. Because whether you’re helping a leader to run an activity in the scout hall, organising a night away, or buttering 120 slices of bread a group of very hungry eleven year olds - no two Scout meetings are the same. The difference you make, though, is always great.


We provide the training. You show up, get stuck in, and make memories for life.


Sounds fun? Worthwhile? It is. To find out more speak to you leader or get in touch.


Young Leaders (14-18)

Young leaders get to work with experienced adults to learn how to run activities for young people aged 6 – 14, and support scouting into the future. It’s also a great way to stand out on CVs and college/university applications.


Volunteering as a young leader can also go towards the Volunteering section of your DofE award.


To join as a Young Leader get in touch.

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